Takeda Holiday Gift Card Drive Banner

The best thing you can give youth and their caregivers this holiday season is the gift of choice.  By donating a gift card, you can provide families in need with the opportunity to buy the gifts and holiday meals they've been looking forward to all year long!

100% of donations will be distributed by local nonprofit affiliates to the families they serve.
Takeda Step 1

Choose the organization you want to donate to.

Takeda Step 2

100% of donations go to local families through community-based organizations.

Takeda Step 3

Thank you! Your donation allows caregivers and youth to shop for themselves and loved ones. 

Select a Community Organization to Donate to:

Learn More About the Families You Are Supporting

Below are just four profiles out of the hundreds of families and youth supported by our nonprofit partners. While each youth and family are unique, they share common challenges. Your donated gift card will go a long way to brighten this holiday season for a child, teen, or family facing challenges or feeling isolated this holiday season - perhaps the greatest gift is in knowing that there is someone from their community who cares! 

Big Brothers Big Sisters - Virginia (left) Tiffany (right)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America 

Tiffany and her Little, Virginia, are all about supporting one another. Growing up as an only child, Virginia dealt with confidence issues and always wanted an older sister to look up to and help her through hard times – Tiffany is just that! Virginia and Tiffany spend many of their outings at Barnes and Noble, browsing books, and crocheting. Virginia describes her Big as, “a great role model who means so much to me,” and now wants to become a Big Sister, “just like Tiffany” when she is older! Your donation will give Littles like Virginia the opportunity to buy a gift for themselves or for someone special in their life like a family member or their Big!

Dimock Center -  John

The Dimock Center

As a child, John's mother struggled with addiction. He was placed in the state's foster care system early on and eventually adopted by his loving grandmother, who happened to work at The Dimock Center in Roxbury. Eventually, John began to struggle with drugs and alcohol too. Sadly, when his grandmother passed away, he became homeless. While unhoused, he brought four beautiful children into the world. When they were young, he was not very present in their lives because of his homelessness, addiction, and lack of stability. One birthday, after celebrating with drugs and alcohol, he decided he no longer wanted to live that way. Mostly, he wanted to be a better father and be more present in his kids’ lives. He called The Dimock Center seeking addiction treatment and began his road to recovery. Today, John is proud to be sober, working and spending time with his children this holiday season. Your gift card will help someone like John who is currently receiving support services at the Dimock Center to help make their holiday a little brighter!

Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program - Rosi

Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program

Unable to afford rent in Boston, Rosi’s family was trying to get by living with friends and extended family members, jumping from place to place. After a long struggle, they entered a homeless shelter where they and all of their possessions occupied one room. It was at the shelter that Rosi heard about BHCHP's Horizons family clinic for her sons, Christopher (3) and Armani (1). “I immediately felt a sense of relief when I walked in the door,” she said. “Horizons helped me figure out a path to move forward. They partnered with me on my children’s education and gave me guidance to continue my schooling and search for housing. I am now finishing courses needed to complete my Certificate in Child Development from Urban College.” Rosi has accomplished several goals during her time with Horizons, including taking ESOL classes, paying off a school debt, and obtaining permanent housing for her family. However, As Rosi continues to transition into permanent housing, meeting her family's basic needs is a constant struggle, especially during the holiday season.  A donation of a gift card can make the holiday season brighter for families like Rosi's, allowing them to meet their essential needs while giving them the opportunity to buy a holiday gift for their loved ones.

Daily Table and Food for Free - Jaribel

Food for Free & Daily Table

Jaribel and her family are avid users of Daily Table's SNAP Online and free delivery service. With two kids, laundry to be folded, dinner on the stove, and her husband working long hours, Jaribel has a lot on her plate: “This is why I’m so glad to be able to shop online. I couldn’t before because I couldn’t use SNAP...And Daily Table has food for people from other places–not just here.” One of her staple dishes is called Locrio, a stew with rice and, in this case, chicken. Jaribel shares that “Locrio” is a word “that only Dominicans use for this dish.” She lists yucca, plantains, and kabocha squash as staples of Dominican cooking that she can almost always find at Daily Table. Your gift card donation will help local families like Jaribel's purchase their favorite foods to share special holiday meals together.