The best thing you can give youth and their caregivers this holiday season is the gift of choice. By donating a gift card, you can provide families in need with the opportunity to buy the gifts and holiday meals they've been looking forward to all year long!
100% of your donation goes directly towards purchasing gift cards for our local nonprofit partners to distribute to the youth and families they support.Choose the organization you want to donate to.
100% of donations go to local youth and families through community-based organizations.
Thank you! Your donation allows caregivers and youth to shop for themselves and loved ones.
Below are just four profiles out of the hundreds of families and youth supported by our nonprofit partners. While each youth and family are unique, they share common challenges. Your donated gift card will go a long way to brighten this holiday season for a child, teen, or family facing challenges or feeling isolated this holiday season - perhaps the greatest gift is in knowing that there is someone from their community who cares!
Throughout his life, Anthony struggled with his mental health. Suffering from multiple mental illnesses with little support, Anthony turned to substances as a way to self-medicate. After experiences with the justice system and other treatment facilities, Anthony ended up at The Dimock Center’s Acute Treatment Services. From there, he has worked hard to stick to treatment, completing multiple phases of recovery, while also finally getting help with his mental health through Dimock’s behavioral health services.
The thing that helped him stay sober? The supporters at Dimock who showed up for him when he wasn’t able to show up for himself. Anthony had never felt like his parents truly believed in him, but he found that his caseworkers, therapists, and friends here at Dimock really did. Today, Anthony finds his purpose in helping others as a volunteer at Dimock’s food pantry and clothing closet. He is grateful for the opportunity to help others because he understands what it’s like to need help. Your gift card will help someone like Anthony who is currently receiving support services at The Dimock Center to make their holiday a little brighter!
Genae, a mother in the BHCHP Horizons Family Clinic, is working to break the generational cycle trauma from childhood homelessness so she and her son Damani can thrive. Genae became pregnant at 17 and dropped out of school to live with her soon-to-be-born son’s father. When her partner became regularly violent, Genae left and moved into a domestic violence shelter. There, she welcomed her son Damani into the world without a safety net to fall back on or resources to adequately care for her premature newborn. While her son is at school, Genae’s been working with her Family Advocate at Horizons on how to handle life’s challenges. From connecting her to food resources to helping her define a career path, Genae is working toward building a sustainable life for her and her son. Donating a gift card can make the holiday season brighter for moms like Genae, helping them to meet their essential needs while providing the opportunity to buy a holiday gift for their loved ones.
Miss Pat lives just across the street from Daily Table's Dorchester store, which allows her the convenience of walking to get her groceries. Since Daily Table restarted cooking classes after the pandemic, Miss Pat has found both the skills to cook for herself and friendship with the other regular attendees. She said, “I don't think that I really eat healthy. So from the classes I've been in, they have taught me different ways to incorporate things I like into different recipes. And some of the recipes they've given us I've tried at home."
Miss Pat also shared this experience with her grandchildren, Aubrey (11) and Adrian (8), by attending one of Daily Table's family cooking classes. Together they enjoyed learning new recipes and skills in the teaching kitchen. Your gift card donation will be distributed by Food for Free and will help local families like Miss Pat's purchase their favorite foods at Daily Table to cook and share special holiday meals together.